Tuesday June 7 Update
And if you’re interested in attending the GM as an off-site (online) Visitor and haven’t yet signed up, you are welcome to do so here. Visitors to the General Meeting have access to all parts of the gathering, and the online community experience is being hosted by Allison Rennie and LeaderSHIFT, and other familiar faces from around the regional council. All are welcome! Information for all Attendees about the GM Whova Platform is here.
April 7, 2022
Dear Members of the Regional Council, Adherents and Visitors, Children, Youth, friends and fans,
We’re happy to announce that registration is now open for the 4th Annual General Meeting of the Pacific Mountain Regional Council! Please share widely.
Registration Link
This one online registration form is for all people attending the General Meeting, whether:
- In-Person
- Online
- Children’s Program (in-person only)
- Youth Program (in-person only)
Here’s the link is all it’s glory, for those who like the direct copy and paste:Â https://form.jotform.com/MauricioUCC/v2-pmrc-gm-2022-reg
Registration Questions?
- If you have questions about registrations, in general, please contact Mauricio Araujo maraujo@united-church.ca
- If you have questions about the Children’s Program or Youth Program specifically, please contact Pamela Evans pevans@united-church.ca
Elected Lay Delegate Submissions
- Use this link to submit Elected Lay Representatives from your community of faith:  Lay Representative Declaration to Pacific Mountain Regional Council | https://form.jotform.com/90694862940266
Financial Forum 2022 – Save the Date
- 2pm Pacific / 3pm Mountain
- Wednesday April 27
The PMRC executive members and finances staff will present the regional council’s financials and take questions about the finances. This is an opportunity for the membership to learn about the Region’s finances and how they resource the region’s priorities. A sign-up link will be posted soon.
More to come
Much more information about the General Meeting is to come, and will be added to the GM2022 page as it becomes available. With so many people discerning together, to bring this first in-person gathering into being, some details naturally will take longer than others, and sometimes some details will even change. You patience and grace is appreciated! The Worship & Theme, and Business planning teams are largely congregational ministry personnel giving many hours to organizing general meetings on top of their usual ministry responsibilities. We give thanks for the 2022 team, and for all those who have planned before.
Be sure to check the General Meeting 2022 webpage often.
The Rooted and Grounded in Love Planning & PMRC Staff Teams
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