Online Access and Engagement, for Everyone!

Whova Orientation Sessions Announced!

New to Whova? New to virtual conference experience? Would you like to develop more confidence in using the GM Whova Platform before the meeting begins?

If you answer with a big ‘YES’ or a cautious ‘I think so’, you are invited to join the Whova Orientation Sessions being offered by Allison Rennie and other folks you know from the Region. The Whova Orientation Sessions are for Off-site and On-site people alike. The orientation sessions will be on live and Zoom. You will learn how to:

  • read and use the Agenda
  • join a Session
  • interact with other participants
  • post questions and comments
  • see who is registered and reconnect with colleagues

Below are the Whova Orientation options (4 dates and times) and the Zoom link. Come to any or all! It is the same Zoom link for all four sessions – the content will be the same each time.

  1. Mon June 6, 10-11amd PT / 11am-12noon MT
  2. Tues 7, 10-11amd PT / 11am-12noon MT
  3. Tues 7, 1-2pm PT / 2-3pm MT
  4. Wed 8, 6-7pm PT / 7-8pm MT

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 860 4314 8897  Passcode: 785252


MAY 31, 2022

Hello, General Meeting Participants!

Whether attending online or in-person, all General Meeting 2022 attendees have full access to the GM Whova Platform. Whova is a platform we have used in the past two years for online-only events, but it is designed and built for integrated events!

GM2022 is an opportunity for us to learn to integrate the in-person cohort and the online cohort, sometimes called a hybrid event. We prefer the language of an ‘integrated’ event because we desire more than just two parallel (but largely disconnected) cohorts attending the same event.

Our goal is a deeper level of cross over connection — for the first time in we are going to use an online platform for all attendees to use to share some common ground!

  • If you are a Virtual Participant, the GM Whova Platform is how you will see and participate in the theme, worship, business discussions and all aspects of the meeting.
  • If you are In Person, the GM Whova Platform will allow you to chat with participants virtual and live, to participate in discussion threads, access the agenda, and more from your mobile device.
  • Everyone will be able to see the Session Q&As, and everyone will be able to initiate and participate in the tools the the GM Whova Platform has for sharing ideas, resources, photos, thoughts and hopes.
  • And – whether you are planning to be live on the floor of the meeting, or virtually on the floor of the meeting, you can begin to connect with others on the GM Whova Platform before the meeting begins!

Please watch for an email from Whova (that, is our messages coming from the Whova servers) inviting you to sign in, and explore the online platform. LeaderSHIFT is sponsoring the Whova experience so watch for Pre-Meeting Orientation times to help you feel confident with the platform before the rise of GM 2022.



(PMRC GM2022 Homepage)

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