Executive Council

The Executive is a governance body, focusing on:

  • Ensuring it is well-informed and knowledgeable about the church and society, particularly in a context of constant change;
  • Listening well to the people and communities of faith of the Region;
  • Articulating together the vision and desires of the Region;
  • Naming the desired outcomes of the work of the Region;
  • Directing the Executive Minister through clear policies;
  • Using Policy Governance policies and practices as the operating model;
  • Monitoring and evaluating the work of the Executive Minister against the stated policies to ensure fiduciary responsibilities and expected Region outcomes are met;
  • Selecting and appointing an Executive Minister in partnership with other appropriate church councils.

The Terms of Reference for Regional Council Executive Membership is found here (PDF).


Pacific Mountain Region Executive Council Members

Role Name
President The Rev. Dr. Simon LeSieur
President-Elect --
Executive Minister Treena Duncan
Executive Council Members Jim Angus
Jenny Carter
Ibi Chuan
Bob Fillier
Laura Hermakin
Joseph Kyser
Hati Mvundura
Thea Sheridan-Jonah
Johannes Van Kessel-Crozier
Assistant to the Executive Minister Mauricio Araujo


To contact the executive, please email or call
Mauricio Araujo, Assistant to the Executive Minister
1-800-934-0434 (within BC)
or +1-604-431-0434
Extension 6345

Council Minutes

Pacific Mountain Region (PMR) Minutes Repository is password-protected to maintain wider-church OneDrive security. All members of the region have access to executive council minutes (The Manual A.6.2.). Please email Reception to receive the PMR Minutes Repository password:

If you have any questions regarding executive council minutes, please contact Mauricio Araujo.

Limitations, ENDS and MEANS

Pacific Mountain Regional Council uses a ‘Policy Governance Model’. In this governance model,

  • PMR executive council sets policy ‘Limitations’ and ‘ENDS’.
  • PMR Executive Minister determines the ‘MEANS’ - how the Region will operationalize the work of the Region, by staying within the Limitations yet with the objective of achieving the 'ENDS'.



An example of a ‘Limitation’ under Finance is:

“Accordingly, the Executive Minister will not:

  1. Allow funds to unduly accumulate without being used for the purposes for which they were established.
  2. Borrow money for the operations of Pacific Mountain Regional Council.
  3. Fail to pay all liabilities for payroll, suppliers, and taxes as due.
  4. Allow expenditures to deviate significantly from the approved operating budget or from the priorities established by the Regional Council Executive. “

Guidelines or boundaries she must work within or must consult with Executive prior to proceeding.


‘ENDS’ are where we, as a Regional Council, want to get to or be, such as:

“A. Valuing Human Diversity
The Pacific Mountain Regional Council will uplift and value the diversity of expression embodied in all of humanity.

  1. The Region will live out its call of loving neighbour by actively working against racism.
  2. The Region will only support and enter into covenants and agreements with groups that do not devalue, undermine, limit, or negate a person’s identity."


‘MEANS’ outlines how the ‘ENDS’ will be achieved within the Limitations:

The Executive Director is responsible for creating the Means (also part of the language used in Policy Governance) how we will get there. The Executive’s role is not to decide/dictate the Means… but oversee if her work is staying within the limitations and achieving the ENDS.

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