GM2022 Proposals to General Meeting of the Regional Council

Proposals are the way to request action from the Regional Council on a specific issue or concern.

Proposals to the 2022 General Meeting of the Pacific Mountain Regional Council:

  1. Proposal 01 – 2022: Recognizing Ecumenical Shared Ministry Specific Circumstances
  2. Proposal 02 – 2022: Support for Faith Communities
  3. Proposal 03 – 2022: Encouraging Climate Conversations within Communities of Faith
  4. Proposal 04 – 2022: Gathering As One
  5. Proposal 05-2022: The Body of Christ as an Essential Antidote to The Opioid Crisis


Submitting A Proposal

Individual members, Communities of Faith, Covenantal Ministries, Regional Committees/ Councils/ Groups, and Regional Council Members may want The Pacific Mountain Regional Council or Executive to take action on a specific issue or concern. You might have something to share for education, or desire a conversation about a specific topic. You might want to have some education and conversation about a topic leading towards taking action. A “proposal” is the formal request for any of these.

Information about Proposals in The United Church of Canada can be found in The Manual, Section F.1


(PMRC GM2022 Homepage)

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