The Language of Affirming

What's an Affirming Community of Faith or Ministry?

Learn about the Community of Faith and Ministries Affirming Ministries Process.

What's an Affirming Regional Council?

Learn about the Regional Council Affirming Process.

What does 2SLGBTQAiP+ mean?

"2SLGBTQAiP+" stands for: Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Asexual / Androgenous, intersex, Pansexual, and the + is for all ways of gender, identity and sexuality beyond the limitations of the acronym "2SLGBTQAiP+".

We place 2S, for Two Spirit, at the front to acknowledge that Two Spiritness is older than any Christian belief system, and was celebrated in Indigenous cultures before the shaming and attempted erasure by colonizing Christians. It's prominent placement signifies a commitment to honouring Two Spirit.

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