Reclaiming 1946: An Online Evening of Dialogue, Discernment and Dreaming in Technicolour

Reclaiming 1946: An Online Evening of Dialogue, Discernment and Dreaming in Technicolour

What if the word “homosexual” was never meant to be in the bible? This is the central question in the courageous, timely and important documentary 1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture. Many Communities of Faith have held screenings of the film, it was featured in and Affirming Evening of the Arts at our past Pacific Mountain Region AGM, and there are many more who are interested in the film and screening it in the future.  So, we are calling all those who are interested to gather together for an evening of discussion and discernment on Zoom,

We will be joined by special guests Rev. Blair Odney and Ed Oxford, one of the main researchers from the 1946 project, to listen to their stories and perspectives on the legacy of harm this mistranslation has perpetuated, and hopeful ways forward wherein we might open ourselves to the transformative action of the Holy Spirit in co-creating and reclaiming faithful affirming spaces for 2SLGBTTQIA+ people in the church, and in our communities.

You can find the registration link for this event here: Reclaiming 1946: An Evening of Dialogue.

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