From May 11th to 17th, thousands of Canadians will be participating in Queer Momentum’s Rainbow Week for Action to resist rising hate and violence, and call for rainbow equality and freedom for all.
May 17 is  the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, and as an Affirming Region, we encourage individuals, families, and communities of faith to live into this opportunity to speak truth to power and work for justice for our 2SLGBTTQSIA+ siblings. We invite you to participate in a letter writing campaign on a Pacific Mountain Region Solidarity Sunday, May 12th. Creating signed letter packages to send to our elected officials is an important way to support this effort. Our PMR Justice letter of solidarity can be found here, this can be downloaded and printed for members of your community of faith to read and sign, and then be mailed to your MP as a package of Affirming Solidarity!  You can find an electronic letter writing tool for the Rainbow Week of Action here. All kinds of actions are welcome, and you can find a calendar of actions here,
You can find their action page for the Week of Solidarity here, their open letter to the Canadian Government, and a printable version of their open letter here.