Dear General Meeting in-person attendees,
Please book mark or print your own map (maps will not be provided):
- This Google Map is marked with the 4 main locations most GM2022 Participants will be travelling between: the Civic Centre, Ramada and Hyatt hotels, and the airport.,-122.711477,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m3!11m2!2sipTzEP-ZRT65gyZqZyKAKw!3e3
- 600m between the Ramada and the Conference Centre (about 7 minute walk/ 3 minute drive)
- 400m between the Hyatt and the Conference Centre (about 5 minute walk/ 2 minute drive)
- 15 km between the airport and the Civic Centre (about 3 hour walk/ 17 minute drive)
Please find your own way from the airport to your accommodation (transportation is not arranged for):
- This webpage may help you find transportation options:
- We have activated the GM Whova Platform Airport Ride Sharing tool to help you directly connect with others coming in at the same time, to possibly coordinate rides!