Dear friends,
We have received updated information from our provincial leadership, with a number of PDF documents, that support faith leaders and communities in gathering in person again.
In summary, several changes have been included:
- Up to 4 additional people available to support services and life cycle events of up to 50 people (instead of the current 2);
- Up to 2 additional people available to support life cycles events of up to 10 people;
- Permission for 1.2 metre-spaced prayers for inside and outside worship, as well as for lifecycle events;
- Explicit reference that people could also attend in vehicles in the outside worship variance and the outside lifecycle events in the order;
- Removed the limits on the number of vehicles that can attend a drive-in in the revised Gatherings and Events order; and
- Added medical assistance in dying.
As reminder, additional information regarding the Restart Plan is available online and can be found here, along with additional information on all Public Health Orders and Notices-
PDF Guidance and Variances:
- COVID-19 Guidance for Lifecycle Events – June 6 FinalÂ
- COVID-19 Guidance for Worship Services – June 6 Final
- Inside Worship Services Variances – June 6 Final
- Outside Worship Services Variances – June 6 Final
- PHO – Class Order Gatherings and Events (COVID-19) – June 6 Final
Thank you again for your leadership and faithful, ongoing discerning of how to be with and in communities of faith in Step One.
Treena Duncan