From: The BC Muslim Association
Sent: March 18, 2019 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: A Letter from the United Church
Assalaamu Alaykum (peace be unto you)
Thank you for writing and showing your concern with regard to the terrorist attacks perpetrated on innocent worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand.
We are as well deeply shocked and saddened by the heinous attacks on the two mosques that has so far left 49 dead and many injured. Our hearts are heavy with sadness for the innocent lives lost and the families devastated with these hateful attacks. We pray for the quick recovery of those injured and patience to the families who lost their loved ones.
We should all continue to stand strong to our faiths, our communities and our country.
Thanks again,
Saiyad Ali | Administrator
The BC Muslim Association
(T): 604.270.2522 (F): 604.244.9750
12300 Blundell Road, Richmond B.C. V6W 1B3
March 15, 2019
To our dearset Muslim brothers and sisters,
In the absence of our President, the Reverend Jay Olson, who is out of the country, I write to you, on behalf of Christ’s people in the Pacific Mountain Region of the United Church of Canada, with a broken heart. We share a common practice; to gather in community, on the Sabbath, to give to the God who animates all life, our devotion, our praise, our commitment, our lives. And in the doing, we each pray for healing in God’s world, that all may live in peace and justice. Today, we watched in horror as your brothers and sisters in faith, in Christchurch New Zealand, gathering for Sabbath worship were assaulted by violent gunfire, killing 49 faithful followers, injuring 20 more. With sighs too deep for words, our hearts ache with you.
When fear and anger visit the earth with such a rampage, the whole world suffers. Faithful people of all traditions will assert this is not God’s way. This is not God’s intention. This is not consistent with our common call – to love God, and to love and serve our neighbour. While you mourn, we mourn. While you pray for healing, we will pray for healing. While you seek justice and God’s grace, we will seek justice and God’s grace. May our loving action bring us closer to a lasting compassion and peace.
We offer our deepest condolences.
Rev. S. Blair Odney
President Elect,
Pacific Mountain Regional Council
United Church of Canada