Modeling Deep Care and Compassion
As individuals, a church, and church leaders, we are continually reflecting on what it means to be church during COVID-19. We are tending a communal relationship to COVID-19, and bolstering our health and awareness in church and ministry practices for the benefit of all.
The church is of multi-generational communities of faith and ministry who meet for worship, work and community. We are unique in being one of the few places in society where we gather across generational divides, and many in our communities of faiths are seniors and elders. As people of God, we are called to make decisions based on care taking, as much as possible, of all our members. Sometimes that requires a lot of creativity, extra communication and mindful limits.
When we think about coming together as our church, navigating public interactions and close greetings, we invite you to remember that we can share the word of God and love of Jesus in creative and positive ways that aren’t limited by COVID-19 or any flu. See the PMRC Online Worship Directory.
The most up-to-date messages from Treena Duncan, Executive Minister, and PMRC Staff are at the bottom of this page under 'COVID-19 PMRC News & Updates'
Online Worship Directory
While following provincial health orders, many United Churches in the Pacific Mountain Regional Council have found ways to gather and worship online using Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, and more. You are warmly welcome to attend!
From COVID-19 Safety Plans to communicable disease prevention
Health officials in BC have moved our province from COVID-19 Safety Plans to Communicable Disease Prevention. Click here for the latest email from Treena Duncan on the topic (June 30, 2021).
The staff and leadership of the Pacific Mountain Regional Council are committed to following the health and safety orders from our provincial leadership. We will continue to provide relevant updates here on our website and through our email list.
WorkSafe BC
- Faith Based Organizations: Protocols for returning to operation
- Retail Protocol is currently the best information source for United Church Thrift Shops in the PMRC to adhere to.
Guidelines Archives (PMRC)
The staff and leadership of the Pacific Mountain Regional Council are committed to following the health and safety orders from our provincial leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are faithfully discerning best practices and ways of ‘doing’ church, based on information from our provincial health officials. We will continue to provide relevant updates here on our website and through our email list.
- May 2021 Updated Safety Protocols for Communities of Faith in the PMRC (PDF)
- July 2020 Information to augment Version 3 (Full Colour) (Text Only)
- June 2020 Version 3 (Full Colour) (Text Only)
- PMRC Regional Office Safety Plan (PDF)
United Church of Canada
COVID-19 PMRC News & Updates
Re-Affirmation: The United Church of Canada Supports COVID-19 Related Public Health Orders
 January 29, 2021 As Epiphany turns to Lent, and we continue in pandemic wilderness walking, we acknowledge the grief and loss of fellowship that […]
From Treena Duncan: Reflections on meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadian faith leaders
One of the great gifts of the pandemic for me has been to witness the resilience and vitality of our leaders and our communities of […]
From President Blair Odney and Executive Minister Treena Duncan
Statement in Support of Public Health Orders November 30, 2020 The Pacific Mountain Regional Council of The United Church of Canada remains supportive of the […]
Blue Christmas
Beloved, We’re hearing news of Blue Christmas worship services being offered around the regional council, and from the national United Church of Canada moderator. In […]
Release: Nov 23, 2020
The Pacific Mountain Regional Council of The United Church of Canada remains supportive of the British Columbia Public Health directives currently disallowing in-person worship. Many […]
Restrictions for Faith-based Organizations, Nov 19
Friends, Some of us have been gathering over the past few weeks with Matt Miofsky and reflecting together on leadership, change and the wilderness. It […]
Updated COVID Response recommendations
Friends, I’m sure that you have all been following the Coronavirus numbers over the past few weeks, and they have definitely not been going in […]
Worship with the General Meeting
All are warmly welcome to attend the Opening Worship & Celebration of Ministry and the GM’s Optional Sunday Worship. Both will be on the PMRC YouTube […]
Gov’t Subsides
Jane Harding, the Regional Council’s Givings Officer, has updated and information to support communities of faith with government subsidies, stewardship and mission: Re Government Subsidies […]
General Meeting of the PMRC Oct 16 and 17, 2020
Please add October 16-18, 2020 into your calendars for the Pacific Mountain Regional Council General Meeting. COVID-19 made nothing business as usual! This will be an online, virtual gathering of worship, community, business and celebrating the life and work of our denomination and regional council.
General Meeting details will be posted to our website closer to the date, and the information will be sent out through the PMRC newsletter.
Expectations, Discernment and Guidelines from the PMRC Executive Minister, in reopening United Church communities of faith buildings and ministries
As the information from the BC Ministry of Health and WorksafeBC continue to evolve regarding guidelines and best practices during COVID-19, the PMRC leadership will provide updates. Click to read the latest updated July 2020.
Re-Opening Information for Thrift Shops in the PMRC
This document offers information from Regional Ministers, to support PMRC-located Thrift Shops as they consider why and how they might re-open. Updated July 2020