Pacific Mountain United Church Women Report to National UCW
September 2021
Submitted by Clare Walker
President, Pacific Mountain UCW
“As I begin to write my report for the past year I can’t help but think back to July 2020, by which time we had been in “lock-down” with various restrictions for over 4 months, but rather confident that things would be back to normal by the Fall and now here we are a whole year later and for some folk across the country little has changed but for others things are loosening up a little and we can in fact see the future as returning to a new normal fairly soon.
What have we learned trough this whole pandemic experience? I think we have learned that we are much more resilient than we ever imagined our selves to be. We are now much more comfortable on our computers, ipads and cell-phones than we ever were before and we now know that “ZOOM” is not just the noise that little children make when they are playing with toy cars!
In April we held our AGM, on Zoom of course, and 36 ladies joined in the presentations which included a utube presentation on our Anniversary Mission Project “Women for Change – Zambia”, a presentation by the Rev Janet Stobie introducing us to some of the books she has written, general reports and an update on the preparations for our 60th Anniversary Celebration in Sydney Nova Scotia in 2022. Because we had not had a meeting in 2020 we had 2 years of financial reports to deal with and our meeting ended with a unanimous re-election of our existing executive and a service of Holy communion led by the Rev Bill Cantelon minister at Cordova Bay United where our meeting was to have been held this year and where it will be held in 2022.”
… Read the full report: Click here to open a Word Doc of this report.