Submitted by Clare Walker
President, Pacific Mountain UCW
“Greetings to you all,
This letter is being written between and during storms and of course I can’t help but be thinking about so many of our ladies and the challenges you might be facing right now. I know this letter goes to members in Merritt, Hope, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Princeton. Those are names of places I have heard on the news and I know there are other towns and cities that must also have been affected!  Please be assured that you are all in our prayers and we hope that you all, where ever you may be, are over the worst and that things are starting to improve for you.
It has indeed been a crazy year with the extreme heat in the summer and the devastating fires and now all this rain.
The good news is that some of our Communities of Faith have begun, or are planning in-person services though  I still smile to myself when I think that we have to call and make a reservation to attend a worship service!! I’m not complaining – It just makes me smile.  That too will pass eventually and I know there are many of you, like myself who are enjoying the opportunity to again get together with a small group of friends.”
…. Read the Newsletter in full: Click to download this letter in a Word Document.