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Pacific Mountain Regional Council News Posts
Recording of Town Hall Meeting with Adrian Dix
If you missed the Town Hall meeting on June 10 with BC Health Minister Adrian Dix, you can view the recording at the link below. Click here for the Meeting Recording.
Read More >>Pastoral Letter from President Jay Olson
BLACK LIVES MATTER! YES, BLACK LIVES MATTER! Everyone who is “awake” knows that anti-black racism is real not just in the USA but all around the world. Anti-black racism is real in Canada and in the Church, in our Church. People of faith including us in the Pacific Mountain Regional Council sit in the garden of crisis and terror and we must no longer fall back asleep immobilized while the Christ calls us to stay awake and be alert to what is happening and what needs to happen.
Read More >>“Church Leaders Acknowledge Racism in Their Midst”
We as church leaders, acknowledge the pain, frustrations and anger of our Black communities, and recognize that systemic anti-Black racism is prevalent in our context in Canada as well; in the streets of our communities, in the justice and policing systems, and in our congregations and parishes. It is important for church members in our largely white churches to look at how we continue to perpetuate anti-Black racism, either inadvertently or intentionally.
Read More >>A Light of Peace
When we light candles for peace with our neighbours, we do so as signs of our openness to learn from one another and our commitment to advocate for this peace that is so long overdue. It is time for peace. It is time for families to be reunited and for those who struggle in poverty to be given access to the necessities to live full, peaceful lives. We have an opportunity to join with Communities of Faith around the world to pray for peace for the peoples of Korea through “A Light of Peace: Online Prayer Vigil for Korea”.
Read More >>Vancouver Japanese United Church Archives Website is Live
“Because of the federal government’s policy of dispersal following the war, so many British Colombians of Japanese descent were scattered throughout the rest of Canada. One of the aims of the Vancouver Japanese United Church Archive website is to reach out to Canadians whose roots trace back to the Vancouver congregation; we want to encourage viewers to learn about their past, help identify people in the images and share stories.”
Read More >>The 2020-2021 Prayer Cycle for the Pacific Mountain Regional Council
This document empowers us to faithfully pray for the ministries, communities of faith, leadership and community members across the Pacific Mountain Regional Council and the wider church. The 2020-2021 Prayer Cycle (PDF) document is available for download here. Please share it with your people.
Read More >>A Reflection from the President
Counting the Days
I don’t know about you but for me it has been 42 days since the church doors where I work have been closed. But who’s counting? Each of us is experiencing this commitment uniquely and yet there are some themes emerging. One of those themes I had been hearing about for a while, but had not hit me until recently, is the theme of tiredness. How is it that I could be feeling so tired when I am staying home?
I used to dream of having a whole week at home to read a novel, watch movies and not have to get in my car to get to another meeting or appointment. So now I’m home, 42 days of being home. And no, I am not reading novels, watching movie marathons or trying to learn new FUN things. I am tired.
Read More >>Town Hall with Moderator Rev. Richard Bott
Join us for this week’s Townhall Conference with Executive Minister Treena Duncan and President Rev. Jay Olson! — and the Moderator of our denomination, Rev. Richard Bott. We are very glad Richard is available to us this week! He will be speaking to us on the topic “Spiritual and Theological practices in a time of Covid-19: ways to give structure to a life in a chaotic time.” Please let your people know.
Read More >>Written Worship for Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 ~ BC Native Ministries and PMRC
Good day, Everyone
I hope that you are well, taking care yourself and your loved ones. Here you’ll find the Easter Sunday Reflection for you to read, share and make your own. As I type this note to you I look out the window and I see an eagle soaring in the sky, a reminder of the great world God has created for us all. A reminder that the dance of life still lives, and I am humbled. Happy Easter my relations! May the hope of a new day always live in your heart and is shared with all of creation. Unify in spirit and prayer. You are loved.
Read More >>A Holy Week Pastoral Reflection from the President
April 9, 2020
Dear Friends,
I wonder when I stopped. I wonder when I stopped saying “goodbye”. About a week ago I noticed that at the end of phone calls or physically distant conversations with neighbours and grocery clerks, I was no longer saying “goodbye”. I wonder when I stopped saying “goodbye” and instead started saying “be safe”.
I carry with me the memory of experiencing the 1989 Loma Prieda earthquake in Marin County California. I had moved there to do Doctor of Ministry studies. One day as I sat with a small group of people in my professor’s office, I had a peculiar, uncomfortable feeling and within seconds of the onset of that feeling, the building shook. The initial hit was bad enough but then the rolling started. I swear to this day that I heard the stones in the outer walls grind together.
Read More >>Online, Together
A quick note to let you know that we’ve resumed a weekly e-newsletter aiming to connected United Church people with online offerings happening in our Pacific Mountain Regional Council Communities of Faith & Ministries. This is a temporary version of the Event Listings newsletter that many of selected to received from the PMRC Office. You can read today’s edition of Online, Together here – including submission guidelines (please read before sending submissions to Reception).
Read More >>New PAR option, by fax, and other encouraging information from Jane
Hi All,
Please share as you see fit, with your leaders and communities of faith.
This is an addition to the Generosity in Unprecedented Times letter we posted here on March 31st.
New PAR option available to forward the forms and void cheque to fax number 416-232-6003
Only 2 weeks left to apply for Seeds of Hope Grants
Mission & Service is making a difference through the COVID-19 Pandemic – see here
Information about employment for ministers, lay leaders and M&P leaders here
Imagine Canada update on how COVID-19 is affecting Charities (churches included) – excellent updates/information for Not for profits
Some highlights from the letter are: