Nelson United, and Pacific Spirit United Churches

These community of faith features aim to empower people to get to know the communities of faith and ministries around the regional council! Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be adding a posts about individual communities of faith or ministries around the PMRC.  We hope that it will foster a spirit of being neighbours in Christ, near and far.

Hello, Nelson United Church!

Nelson United Church website

In our town/ neighbourhood, our church is known for being an inclusive, welcoming and safe space, a place to access nutritious, free food from the Nelson Community Food Centre, a place to sing with many community choirs, and for being outspoken regarding justice and peace, especially regarding climate change and refugee sponsorships.

Our Mission & Vision statement is “We dare to live the Way of Jesus, embodying the Love of God.” & Our Affirming Ministry Vision is “God calls us to be a loving, inclusive and compassionate people, who following Christ’s teachings, gather to worship, celebrate the gift of love, live with respect in creation and seek justice and welcome for all regardless of, but not limited to, the following: age, race, colour, ancestry or place of origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, physical and mental ability and economic status.”

Another community of faith or ministry that who we connect with (informally or formally) sharing time and resources, events, and spiritual care is the Nelson Interfaith Climate Action Collaborative. We share ministry with Ascension Lutheran Church and are active in our Kootenay area of United Churches.

Some things that we really like and cherish about ourselves as a community of faith are being welcoming, Affirming, inclusive, progressive, climate action oriented, community minded, globally aware and locally active.

Some challenges our community of faith faces, and we welcome prays of support for are COVID related, being courageous to try new things like being a hybrid, integrative church that creates community online and in person.

The hymns or songs that our community of faith tends to return to again and again are by Shirley Erena Murray, John Bell, Bruce Harding, Marty Haugen, David Kai, Linnea Good, Lori True to name a few composers and lyricists. The (usual) benediction that sends us out at the close of Sunday worship is “Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you.  Deep peace of quiet earth to you.  Deep peace of the sun, the moon and the stars to you.  Deep peace of the Light of the World to you.”  (A Celtic blessing based on an ancient Celtic Rune.)

One of the natural features in God’s creation that’s near to where we gather is Kootenay Lake as it becomes Kootenay River again.

Hello, Pacific Spirit United Church!

Pacific Spirit United Church website

In our town/ neighbourhood, our church is known for enthusiastic support for the arts community generally and choirs especially.

Our Mission & Vision statement is “A new Christian community: Living lives of meaning, through faith, service and God’s love.

In God’s ever re-creating world, we are formed anew, open to possibilities.

We trust God is leading us. A Christian community, welcoming seekers, questioners and believers; A Diverse, Affirming and Reconciling congregation.

We find expressions of Jesus’ love in the wisdom of our children; the elders who hold a rich heritage; the grace of those in between; action, compassion and caring; attentiveness to creation; hearts open to the divine.

We draw closer to the holy through worship that transforms; spiritual practices that deepen faith; hands and hearts offered in justice, responding to the world; scripture and study that lead us to radical wonder; music that opens us to awe; the arts as an expression of the sacred.

Many ways to enter; many ways to engage; many ways to respond to the Spirit’s call.

Pacific Spirit United Church: Living lives of meaning”

In the summer months through a Summer Spirit program, we worship jointly with Knox, Shaughnessy Heights, Marpole, St. Stephens, Oakridge, Wilson Heights and Grace Memorial congregations. Some things that we really like and cherish about ourselves as a community of faith are that we celebrate a confident, well led and trusting community with great histories and traditions of two former congregations. Some challenges our community of faith faces, and we welcome prayers of support for are….our challenges are borne of abundance. How best to share resources through property development with the wider church, how best to engage with our neighbours and how best to balance different aspirations of our congregation.

The hymns or songs that our community of faith tends to return to again and again are… ‘My Soul Cries Out’, ‘Let Us Build A House’ and ‘Now Thank We All Our God’. One of the natural features in God’s creation that’s near to where we gather are Fraser River, Southlands river basin, Pacific Spirit Park.

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