Lay Leadership Support Team :: PMR Nominations

The Lay Leadership Support Team creates and offers training, resources, support, spiritual and leadership development opportunities to lay people engaged in leadership with communities of faith in both ministry and governance. Its purpose is to

  • build the capacity of lay leaders within the PMRC who are called to serve in communities of faith;
  • develop training, education, and resources for lay leaders;
  • support the growth of theologically literate and spiritually grounded lay leaders;
  • and create networks of support for lay leaders in similar roles across the region.

We are seeking 4 to 6 people who are willing to serve this vital ministry within the region.

The expected time commitment is 2-3 hours every month.

Openness to working with an online platform, capacity for learning new programs, interest in education and lay leadership development, and experience creating curriculum and training programs are assets in this position.

This work will be accomplished in team meetings and some of this work will be achieved through task groups or individually. We strive to achieve a balance of lay leaders and ministry personnel for this committee.


Volunteering with the Regional Council

See other opportunities to Volunteer for the Regional Council here (click).

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