Highlights from HolyShift! October 16, 2019

Over the weekend of October 4-6, 2019, a group of United Church people came together to celebrate their work, passion and calling in God’s world, and to learn from one another, and from the wise, generous experience of theologian and ‘smaller’ church visionary, Alice Mann. Visit the LeaderShift website to read more about what the event was, and check back soon for links to Alice Mann’s keynote offerings at Holy Shift; the three 1-1.5 hour sessions will be available to the public. They are titled “Moving Faith Forward: We Just Can’t Do This Anymore Parts 1 and 2”, and “Befriending the Soul of the Place”. You can learn more about Alice at Congregational Consulting. There is a link called ‘Contact a Consultant’ where you can reach out to Alice directly. And, some of Alice’s published works are available at Rowman Littlefield. Warm thanks to Fox & Bee Studio for their videography and technical support! 

View the Holy Shift Conference 2019 Highlights Reel here (the keynote sessions are coming soon!)



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