Featuring Communities of Faith & Ministries

The ‘Hello, Neighbour!’ is a communications feature is hosted on our website’s Directory page.

‘Hello, Neighbour!’ empowers United Church people in our region to discover unique details and gifts about one another’s community of faiths and ministries across our region.

If you’re a church member and would like to see your community of faith or ministry have its own ‘Hello, Neighbour!’ post, please connect with your minister and share the information on this page with them.

Featuring Your Community of Faith

We hope to make it fun for church leaders to share, and for us to read what has been shared!

  • Posts are added as they are submitted.
  • Don’t worry about wonky email formatting that might happen when you copy & paste.
  • Remember to attached your photos too!

The Specifics

Copy points 1-3 into an email, and complete each line.

  1. Community of Faith’s or Ministry’s name:
  2. Website address, if you have one:
  3. Minister(s) Name(s):

A Few Pics to Enliven Your Post

Grab your phone or tablet and take a few quick pictures – don’t worry about how ‘good’ they are. Just aim clear focus, and that you have fun taking them. Suggested images to capture:

  • Photo(s) of the Minister(S) – selfies are great! (note: they will be shared online and in newsletters)
  • Photo of your church – get a fresh one! Take a quick photo of this important landmark, just like you do when you see cool things while on holiday.
  • And if you’re really inspired, also go for a photo of your church door standing open, your Christ candle lit, or something special in your sanctuary or church building

Complete The Sentence

Copy prompts 1-5 (and the Bonus prompts 6-8 if keen) into your email, and complete the lines.

  1. In our town/ neighbourhood, our church is known for…
  2. Our Mission & Vision statement is ….
  3. Another community of faith or ministry that who we connect with (informally or formally) sharing time and resources, events, and spiritual care is…
  4. Some things that we really like and cherish about ourselves as a community of faith are…
  5. Some challenges our community of faith faces, and we welcome prayers of support for are….

Bonus prompts:

6. The hymns or songs that our community of faith tends to return to again and again are…

7. The (usual) benediction that sends us out at the close of Sunday worship is…

8. One of the natural features (mountain, hill, body of water, etc) in God’s creation that’s near to where we gather is…

Send your email and photos

  • Once complete, send your email and photos to Tressa at tbrotsky@united-church.ca
  • One more thing: If you happen to have a logo for your community of faith or ministry, please sent it in as well!

And if any questions, please be in touch!

PMRC Communications

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