F L O U R I S H I N G – two events with Moderator Carmen, this February, for people in Pacific Mountain region!

Dear Friends,

Take a quick minute and double check Feb 8/10 in your calendar. Are you free? And already in the lower mainland? Or looking to make a trip to Vancouver area? These two opportunities are REMARKABLE! And – they need your presence!


The Mod On The Road

“Join in the conversation when the Moderator comes to your region, including free Flourishing congregational workshops near you.”

1. Keynote

Unleashing the Moral Imagination to Create a Flourishing World

with Afdhel Aziz

Fireside Chat / Q&A

with Afdhel, and Moderator Carmen

THUR FEB 8, 2024




(St Andrew’s-Wesley United building)
Tickets HERE

Sponsors Kindred Works and Genus Capital Management
With The United Church of Canada Flourishing Project


2. Congregational Workshop

A day with Moderator Carmen engaging in energizing activities, towards dream-oriented actions for our churches and communities

with Moderator Carmen Lansdowne

SAT FEB 9, 2024

Hosted By Jubilee United

6000 Sussex Ave, Burnaby BC
Free, with Lunch Included
Register HERE

A member of a Youth Group? Task Group or Committee? Choir? Board? Vision Team in your community of faith? This is an excellent event to attend with your group (and if you’re from further away, WestJet has a sale on flights…).

Full Flourishing and The Mod On The Road information is at on The United Church of Canada’s Community and Faith page.

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