Final Wording for AGM 2023 Proposals

In addition to the more general information shared in the AGM attendee newsletter that was emailed on June 27, 2023, specific details of each Proposal’s wording as of the close of AGM2023 are listed below, and posted to the Whova Event Community Board.

Proposals 2023


23-02 was forwarded to executive as originally written.

23-03 was forwarded to executive as originally written.

23-04 was no action (original wording).

23-05 forwarded with the following change:

that Pacific Mountain Regional Council divest from or cease any activity / investment / purchase agreements that support Hewlett Packard; and

encourage communities of faith in the region to do the same; and

request the General Council of The United Church of Canada to add Hewlett Packard specifically to the UnSettling Goods Campaign.

23-06 forwarded with the following change:

that Pacific Mountain Regional Council initiate, encourage and assist it’s communities of faith to engage writing campaigns requesting their municipal council and/or Regional Districts to pass resolutions calling on the federal government to implement a Guaranteed Livable Income; and

provide a guideline to communities of faith for identifying and approaching their municipal council along with templates to submit.

The new motion to replace 23-01

that Pacific Mountain Regional Council of The United Church of Canada set a requirement that at least five percent (5%) of registered voting delegates at any PMRC Annual Meeting be 30 years of age or younger. 


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