
Plura Hills Revisited

A vision is a compelling thing. Have you ever heard someone’s idea of a different way of being, and you were so captivated by the vision that you wondered why it would be any other way?  Of course you have!

If you’re old enough, Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech may have been such a vision for you in 1963. Or, more recently, the call to get on board with the Leap Manifesto, to care for creation and work toward a fossil-free world. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth …”

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Oriental Home and School Photos Online

April 12, 2016

Did you know? The United Church once operated a home and school in Victoria for Chinese and Japanese girls and women. Today, many are surprised to learn this.

Margery Hadley, a professional archivist and member of First Metropolitan United Church in Victoria, has recently completed a digitization project that makes the images of the Oriental Home and School available online. It opens to us a now distant world and its concomitant issues.

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Pressure Point

The Bob Stewart Archives of BC Conference has launched a YouTube channel featuring select digitized episodes of the former television program .

“They say God always opens a window when fate closes a door and in the mid-70s the window turned out to be Community Cable Television.

Nobody thought it would go anywhere; but the indefatigable Lois Boyce was convinced otherwise. She started her (mainly anti-nuclear) cable show while the industry was in its absolute infancy – recruiting fellow students from a BCIT night school course to assist her with the modest production.”

“It was to evolve into Pressure Point, one of the longest-running, volunteer-operated, community television shows in Canadian television history. It ran weekly for 26 years, ceasing production only in 2001, and some of those original volunteers stayed with it almost to the end.

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