Dear Faith Leaders,
First Third Ministry of Pacific Mountain Regional Council is reaching out to you, inviting your community of faith to celebrate Outdoor Camping Ministry in the United Church of Canada!
- Download the Camping Sunday Service: This is the Day! (PDF)
Camping Sunday April 24, 2022
The last Sunday of April is traditionally known as “Camping Sunday” in UCC communities of faith all across Canada! Camping is one of the biggest youth ministries in our denomination. Each summer thousands of children and youth come together to be in relationship in community, with Creation, and with Creator God at their United Church camp.
Camp is a place where young people are welcomed as they are, it is a place where they are encouraged to wonder and deepen into their connection to the environment and respect for creation. Camp is a place to be creative and engage in questions about our everyday lives and of the mystery of the Holy. Camp is a place where young leaders are nurtured and mentored in their leadership skills and abilities. We celebrate and give thanks for the ministry of outdoor camps.
Recognize and Celebrate Camping Ministry
We invite you to recognize and celebrate your local United Church Outdoor Camping Ministry by using the Camping Sunday Service on Sunday, April 24th (or any other Sunday!).
Each of the eight United Church Camps within the Pacific Mountain Region seek authentic relationship with United Church Communities of Faith our regional council.
- In the Yukon: ecumenical Camp Braeburn!
- On Gambier Island: Camp Fircom!
- In the Shuswap North Arm: congregational Camp Grafton!
- In the Kootenays: Camp Koolaree!
- On Vancouver Island: Camp Pringle!
- In the North Okanagan: Mackenzie Camp!
- Across BC: the traveling Regional day-camp Camp Spirit!
- In South-Eastern BC: Rock Lake Camp!
We celebrate the presence of God at work in, and through regional council United Church Camps! May the worship service outline be one of the ways you can connect with a UCC camp near you (or … nearest to you!).
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Mary Nichol
Regional Minister, First Third Ministry